The Very Small Step That Matters Big Time

“The road leading to a goal does not separate you from the destination; it is essentially a part of it. ~ Charles DeLint

He who would learn to fly one day must first learn to stand
and walk and run and climb and dance;
one cannot fly into flying.
~ Friedrich Nietzsche

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single "oy." ~ source unknown


Do you try to change your eating, and then feel like a failure when you don’t succeed beyond the initial enthusiasm?

If you make plans about your food and eating that are actually out of reach, those plans will eventually become a source of frustration. And that frustration can lead to guilt and loss of self-esteem. The resulting sense of failure frequently leads you to make more strenuous resolutions to change yourself. These new goals are often further out of your reach and result in even more tension. And, if you tend to eat emotionally, how do you typically relieve tension?…

Consider instead making small changes that gradually become part of your lifestyle. Consider also that each of these small changes is made up of even smaller steps. Change is a result of these smaller steps. It can be difficult to value and honor these small steps in a culture that promotes “overnight success.” However, these small steps are the only way to create lasting change. Know that each and every step matters.

Today, pay attention to your eating and food goals. Pick one goal, and say it aloud. Now, make it smaller. And then make it smaller again. Now, restate the goal aloud. If you can, make it smaller still. When you can truly no longer make the goal smaller, then you have found the step that matters.

Take that small step over and over until it is part of you. And know that every small step you make towards your goals counts big time!

 About Eating Wisdom and Drs Karin and Hannah

We are two PhD level Registered and Licensed Nutritionists whose passion is to help others escape diet culture and to learn to use their natural, innate Eating Wisdom to, finally, find peace with food, eating and weight.

Check out our course, Intuitive Eating: How to Escape Diet Culture and Become an Empowered Eater,. plus we have lots of info and handouts (including the original Hunger Fullness Scale) at our website, We also offer 1:1 nutrition therapy. Take advantage of our combined 40+ years of experience and reach out today!

© 2017 Adapted from the work of Karin Kratina, PhD, RD, LDN and Amy Tuttle, RD, LCSW


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